What they say
Experiences abroad
Este colegio está siendo una experiencia única e inolvidable. Me lo estoy pasando súper bien y estoy haciendo muchísimas amigas con las que me divierto muchísimo. Quiero agradecérselo a mis padres por hacer todo esto posible, por hacer todos los sacrificios para que yo tenga este magnífico año.
Este año en Estados Unidos está siendo una oportunidad increíble de la que estoy muy agradecida. Aunque solo lleve dos meses aquí en Maine, han sido los mejores dos meses de mi vida, ya tengo muchísimas memorias que compartir, muchas experiencias que siempre recordaré y personas que van a hacer el año todavía mejor. Me ha enseñado muchas cosas y una de esas es apreciar esto y valorar todo lo que han hecho mis padres para que yo pueda estar aquí viviendo lo que estoy viviendo.
La verdad es que estamos impresionados, qué maravilla!!! no ya solo por el dinero que nos ahorramos (que también) sino por darnos cuenta de lo geniales que son nuestras hijas que a veces no lo estamos valorando en su medida.
Cada hijo es diferente. Y te encuentras con inquietudes distintas. Resulta que quiere estudiar fuera, ¿por dónde empezar? Con esta falta de tiempo que tenemos todos, delegar algo tan importante debe ser con profesionales de máxima confianza. Todo el proceso resultó impecable. Valoro muchísimo el cuidado con el que prepararon, asesoraron y acompañaron a mi hija y a nosotros durante todo el curso, antes y después.
There I was, in an airplane from Madrid to London just about to experience one of the biggest adventures of my life, in an amusing school with really generous, intelligent, and bright people with lots of values, and I did not know it.
The school fills in your days with lots of interesting activities, fun lessons and the most important thing: the people you spend them with… This I think is one of the best things at my school.
I made many new friendships, which I think will last forever, mostly with the boarders. You live with them which means you have to learn how to be flexible when things don’t go your way, you also have to learn to respect them and be polite with them which ends up in a really good friendship and yet now I’m in contact with most of them either by iPod or with letters!!! and you´ll say who would write a letter when you can just write an email or phone them, well you can keep letters forever and my school encourages you to keep on writing them!, and you had a chance to do this on Sundays after chapel…
I´ll explain a daily routine as a boarder at my school so you can understand a bit better:
We woke up at seven fifteen, made our beds and dressed up to go down into a queue for breakfast down in the hall, (we did this quickly to get the best cereals). We usually had a choice of several types of cereal, and had toast with different types of spreads and juice, whereas on the weekends we had all of what I said before plus a choice of either croissants, pain au chocolate or other several things (some Sundays we had breakfast in pijamas, which was exciting for us). After having breakfast we cleared up our plates and had some free time until eight forty five when we had a ten-minute chapel service (we sang songs etc…).
Later we had lessons from nine until eleven thirty when we had a half an hour break with two biscuits and we got our post if we had any. After that, we had two more lessons and at one o´clock we had lunch, we got changed into our games kit (sports clothes) and went down into the library for fifteen minutes of reading time. Then we had either games in which you do different types of sports or free time (in my case we played outside and made jumps) or you could also go riding which happened once a week (if you signed up for it). Then we had milk and buns and got ready for prep (homework time).
After that, we had supper and had some free time until the time we had to go upstairs to shower, get into our pijamas and read for a while till lights out when we had to go to sleep.
This is just a normal day so imagine how a special day would be like… I will not tell you about that so if you want to know you`ll have to experience it yourself.